Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm in peace to begin again!

Tomorrow starts a new path, a new step in my life.
If I regret about the choices I made in the past?
Definitely not, everything has a purpose...
Sometimes you need to struggle to see life with open eyes.
cause we live on blindness, with our spiritual eyes very closed...
We forgot that we are spirits locked inside this beautiful and functional body to evolve, to learn, to forgive, to love...
I was born as a musician, I remember playing football with my cousins and always wanting to finish the match early to have time to stick on the acoustic guitar, I remember learning by myself all the songs I liked...
So that's the way I am, that's a gift from other lifes, past lifes, from the great God...and I know I will die as a musician, writing songs, lyrics, texts...
If it is a gift I don't need to sacrifice my existence because of it, I will never lose it, even after death...
I understood that there are more about life, life is about experience, evolving... right?
So I need more into it than repeating what I already know...Life is much more than that, I want to help people, I want to learn with them, life is much more than luxury, we know that life can't be about our shallow desires, life is much more than that, we feel there is a divine purpose on it...
Maybe you will only realise that when you are very old and when you need things that money can't buy, when you realise that you missed the opportunity to be a better human being.
I'm glad I realised that now, I'm glad I'm accepting my mission, I'm glad that tomorrow I'll give ths first step to be a dentist!
The child grows, the man gets older, then flourishes understanding, and when understanding is mature it becomes love, then when it becomes love the sad past disappears ashamed of himself.
I love you all.

Andre Sant.

Thursday, February 14, 2013